After the premiere of “Girls’ Generation and the Dangerous Boys”, a voicemail from Girls’ Generation to officially registered SONEs emerged and quickly spread. The voicemail originated from the phone number 2007-0805, a number which also happens contain the debut date of Girls’ Generation, August 5th, 2007. In the voicemail, the members sounded happy and cheerful as they thanked their fans for waiting in the cold weather to support them during the recording of the December 18th broadcast of Inkigayo. Earlier in the day, Girls’ Generation even prepared hotpacks and hot drinks to be given to fans attending the recording.
The girls explained that thanks to the fans, the members felt as if they were attending a retreat and that their stress was relieved. They also remarked that the Inkigayo stage was very fun to perform on, and said that they hoped SONEs would take care to avoid catching colds. Also in the call, the members displayed their sense of humor by performing the “bbuing bbuing” aegyo in very low voices.
Listen to the full voicemail recording below.
Sources: yurilegs1@youtube.com, Yurui912@twitter.com
Written by: bhost909@soshified
Contributors: minigiglo@soshified, MoonSoshi9@soshified, NeonCyro@soshified
Edited by: cedge@soshified
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