Saturday 11 February 2012

Sunny Wishes To See Her Father Soon

On the January 14th broadcast of KBS ‘Invincible Youth 2‘, the members of the G8 crew, Girls’ Generation‘s Sunny & Hyoyeon, f(x)‘s Amber, miss A‘s Suzy, Kara‘s Jiyoung, SISTAR‘s Bora,Goo Woori and Kim Ye Won, made an appearance with their mothers.

During this episode, the girls talked about their family life and memories from living at home. Sunny shared, “I get to visit my mom, but I can’t see my dad since he’s overseas.” As revealed in a previous interview, Sunny’s father is currently in Kuwait.

Lee Soo Geun sympathized, saying, “You must truly miss your dad often.” As her eyes brimmed with tears, the idol replied, “I hope I can see him soon.”

In addition to Sunny’s story, the mothers also revealed a few childhood secrets about their daughters during this episode.

Credits: Allkpop

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Japanese Official Fanclub Q & A of Tiffany, Hyoyeon and Taeyeon


Q: 集中をするために何か特別な事をやっていますか?
A: どんな事をするのかで変わるけれど、音楽を聴くか、ストレッチをしながら頭の中で考える!

Q: Do you do anything special to help you concentrate?
A: What I do is different every time, but while listening to music or stretching I think about things in my head!

Q: ティファニーちゃんは左手でマイクを持つことが多いですが、左利きですか?
A: 右利きなので、ジェスチャーをもっと自然にするために~マイクを左手で持って右手をフリーにする!

Q: You hold the mic a lot in your left hand, are you left-handed?
A: I’m right-handed, so in order for the gestures to be more natural, I hold the mic in my left and have my right hand free!

Q: ティパニは落ち込んだときやストレスが溜まったときどうしますか?
A: アイスクリーム~でなけらば甘いスイーツを食べる!

Q: What do you do when you are down or stressed?
A: If there is no ice cream to eat then I'll eat sweets!

Q: TiffanyわDanceの時、歌の時にどういうことを考えながら踊ったり、歌ったりしていますか?
A: これもその時その時違うのだけれど。。。時々は何も考えない時もあります~でも大体はその歌詞に合わせた想像とか経験を思いながら歌います。。。それから。。。リズム!を考えながら歌います。(笑)

Q: When you dance or sing, what do you think about when you are dancing and singing?
A: I think about different things each time, but... sometimes I don’t think about anything at all~ But usually I think of past experiences or imagine things that fits the lyrics...and... Rhythm! while singing (laughs).

Q: 今日が最後の日だったら何をしますか?
A: 愛する人たちと過ごしたいです~

Q: If today was the last day ever, what would you do?
A: Spend time with my loved ones.


Q: ストレス発散に何かする事はありますか?
A: 一人の空間でじっと静かにいること。

Q: What do you do to relieve stress?
A: I go to place by myself and be still and quiet.

Q: 少女時代のダンスを研究している女子高生です。ダンスがうまくなるにはどうしたらいいですか?
A: ダンスの上手な人の動画をたくさん見て、真似して踊りながら学ぶ方法もあります~。

Q: I’m a high school girl who studies the dances of Girls’ Generation. What should I do to become good at dance?
A: Watch the videos of people who are good at dancing a lot and you can also learn by copying the dance.

Q: 得意料理は何ですか?
A: 牛骨スープで作った韓国のお雑煮~~(笑)

Q: What is your specialty dish?
A: A Korean New Year dish made from beef bone soup~~ (laughs)

Q: 遊園地で好きな乗り物は、何ですか?
A: スリル感が味わえる怖い乗り物はぜーんぶ好き!

Q: At a theme park, what rides do you like?
A: I like all the rides that are thrilling and scary!

Q: ラーメンが好きと言っていましたが何味が一番好きですか?(味噌・とんこつ・醤油)
A: うーん。。。順位をつけるなら味噌・とんこつ・醤油。。。全部好き!

Q: You mentioned you like ramen, but what is your favorite flavor? (miso, tonkotsu (pork bone broth), shoyu (soy sauce))
A: Hmm... If I rank them, miso, tonkotsu, shoyu... I like all of them!


Q: もし魔法が使えたら?
A: 一生使える私だけの魔法の杖を作るかな!!(笑)

Q: If you were able to use magic?
A: Maybe I would make a magical staff that only I could use for the rest of my life!! (laughs)

Q: ワンちゃん大好きなテヨンオンニ。一番スキな犬種は何ですか??ちなみにうちはトイ・プー飼ってます・ω・
A: 10年以上、ヨークシャテリアを飼っています、最近は白いマルチーズが可愛いですね。 それから猫もすごく好きです^^

Q: Taeyeon Unnie who loves puppies. What kind of dog breed do you like the most?? By the way, I own a toy poodle ・ω・
A: 10 years ago, I owned a yorkshire terrier. Lately I think a white maltese is cute. I also really like cats ^^

Q: 休みの日は何をして過ごしていますか?最近のマイブームとか・・・
A: 最近は手帳を持ち歩いて計画を立てながら過ごしています。これからしなきゃいけない事だたり・・・^^それから最近では舞台&liveをたくさん見に行ってます。

Q: On a day off, what do you do to pass the time? Like something you're interested in or...
A: Lately I've been walking around and writing down my plans on a notepad to pass the time, like stuff that I must do that are coming up...^^ Also, lately I've been going to watch a lot of theatres and live performances.

Q: 一日だけ男になれたら1番したい事はなんですか?
A: 彼女にたくさん甘えて、男らしく抱きしめる(笑)

Q: If you became a guy for a day, what would you want to do the most?
A: Be really sweet to my girlfriend and hug her like a guy would (laughs).

Q: 日本の歌手で大好きな人は誰ですか?
A: 最近聞いてゴスペラーズさんが好きになりました。それから可愛い芦田愛菜ちゃん(笑)

Q: Which Japanese singer do you really like?
A: Recently I've come to like "The Gospellers". I also like the cute Ashida Mana (laughs).

Source: Girls' Generation Japanese Mobile Fansite
Translated by: arghninja@soshified, SeraphKY@soshified

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Japanese Official Fanclub Q & A of Yoona, Sooyoung and Jessica


Q: もし一日だけ透明人間になれるとしたらどんなことをしますか?
A: 遊園地に行きたいです(笑)

Q: If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
A: I'd want to go to a theme park. (laugh)

Q: 歌手のほかにやってみたい職業ってありますか?
A: 料理人かバレリーナ

Q: Besides being a singer, do you have a job that you'd like to try out?
A: A cook or ballerina.

Q: 美肌を保つ秘訣を教えてください!!
A: クレンジング、後は乾燥肌だから水分クリームをたくさん塗ります(笑)フェイスパックも^^

Q: Please tell me the secret to maintain beautiful skin!!
A: After cleansing the skin dries out so put on a lot of moisterizer. (laughs) Also use a face mask. ^^

Q: 「空」の写真を撮るのが好きなユナさん、これから撮ってみたい「空」はありますか?(国&場所など?)
A: どの国でもその国の雰囲気に合った素敵な空が多いので、どこでも良いです^^

Q: To Yoona, who likes to take pictures of the sky, do you have a sky you want to take a picture of next? (country, place etc?)
A: Since there are plenty of wonderful skies that match the atmosphere of the country, anywhere would be great. ^^

Q: もし急に明日1日オフになったとしたら何をして過ごしたいですか?
A: ヘアー、お肌、ネイル全てのケアを受けたいです(笑)それから、家でごろごろゆっくり休む(笑)

Q: If all of a sudden you had tomorrow off, how would you spend the day?
A: Hair, skin, and nails, I'd want to take care of everything! (laughs) Then I'd relax around the house. (laughs)


Q: 私は中学1年生なのに身長が173cmあります。スヨンさんは身長のことで嬉しかった事はありますか?
A: ズボンの丈を直さなくてもいい時嬉しいです(笑)

Q: Even though I'm a 1st year middle school student I'm 173cm tall. Sooyoung, are there times when you're happy that you're tall?
A: When I don't have to adjust the length of my pants I'm happy. (laughs)

Q: しんどいな~とか疲れたって時はどうしていますか?
A: 半身浴をして美味しいものを食べます。食べる喜びは最高だと思います!

Q: What do you do when you're tired or have no energy?
A: I take a half body bath and eat delicious food. I think the joy of eating is the best!

Q: スヨンはアウトドア派ですか?インドア派ですか?
A: インドア派です~家で音楽を聴いて本を読むのが好きです、ふふ♪

Q: Sooyoung are you an outdoor type or indoor type?
A: Indoor type~ I like to listen to music and read books at home, heehee.♪

Q: 毎日欠かさずしている運動は??
A: うーん・・・呼吸する運動をしてます。ははは!!

Q: Is there an exercise you do everyday without fail??
A: Hmm...I do breathing exercises. Hahaha!!

Q: 韓国に行ったら絶対きてほしいと思うオススメの場所を教えて下さい
A: ソウルにある南山(ナムサン)という山です!天気の良い日には、歩いて登るとすごく気分が良くなります。

Q: Please recommend a place where you definitely want me to visit if I go to Korea.
A: A mountain in Seoul called Namsan! On a day with good weather, you'll feel better when you walk and climb it.


Q: なんでそんなに髪の毛綺麗なんですか?(´;ω;`)
A: 時々トリートメントをしてケアをしています^^

Q: Why is your hair so pretty? (´;ω;`)
A: I take care of it using treatments at times. ^^

Q: 料理をしなさそうなジェシカ・・・得意な料理ありますか(^^)?
A: 特にはないんですよね~(笑)

Q: Jessica, who can't seem to cook... Do you have a specialty dish (^^)?
A: Not really (laughs)

Q: ティファニーと話すときは英語で話したりしますか?
A: いつもではないですが、英語を使って話す時もあります!

Q: When you talk to Tiffany, do you guys talk in English?
A: Not always, but sometimes we use English!

Q: 時々クリスタルと会う事もあるんですか?
A: もちろん毎日のように会いますよ~可愛い妹だから♪

Q: Do you meet with Krystal sometimes?
A: Of course I try to meet her everyday~ She's my cute sister after all♪

Q: シカオンニの私服いつもおしゃれで大好きなのですが、今年のA/W(秋冬)のコンセプトはありますか?(*^^*)
A: 私はいつも着心地の良さを追求して、コーディネートしています

Q: Sica unnie's casual clothes are always trendy and I love it, so do you have an autumn/winter concept this year? (*^^*)
A: I always try to coordinate and wear comfortable clothes.

Translation by: and
Source: Girls' Generation Japanese mobile site

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Sooyoung's Thank You Message (Official Website)

[Sooyoung left a message on the Girls' Generation official website board for her birthday!! ^^
The original can be found here, on the Girls' Generation official website.]

소원! 안녕안뇽안녕하세요^ㅡ^

잘 지냈어요?! 수영이는 파리에 있어요...ㅎㅎ
원래는 비행기스케줄이 9일날 비행기타서 10일 밤에 태국에 도착하는 거였는데..
바껴서 생일날 "육지"에 있게 되었어요 ㅎㅎ생일이 공중분해 될 뻔 했지 뭐에요 호호
어렸을 때는 생일만 다가오면 설레고 패스트푸드점에서 생일파티 한번 해보는 게
소원이었는데, 제가 커서 이렇게 전 세계 사람들로부터 축하를 받을지는 정말 몰랐어요..ㅠ
어제오늘 팬 여러분들의 축하를 받으면서 정말 너무 감사한 마음뿐이었네요 ..
어제 저는 멤버들이랑 함께 맛난 밥도 먹구 즐겁게 파티 했어요!^^
많은 사람들의 축하와 동시에 소중한 친구들과 함께 할 수 있어서
더 즐거웠던 것 같아요 ^ㅡ^

매년 생일날 느끼는 거지만 제가 너무 과분한 사랑을 받고 있는 것 같아서
나이가 들수록 받는 사랑의 양에 어울리는 사람이 되자고 다짐 합니다 ..
여러분이 여러분의 소중한 시간과 사랑을 저에게 주시는데
제가 그걸 받을만한 자격이 있을까 생각해요 ..

하지만!! 그런 건 별로 중요하지 않다는 걸 알았어요 ㅎㅎ
여러분의 순수하고 열정적인 사랑을 저도 순수하게 받고 돌려주면 되지
자격 같은걸 생각할 시간이 없다는 것을요 : ) 다만 제자리에서 제 위치에서
할 수 있는 만큼 최선을 다해 보답해드릴게요 ; )
실망시키지 않는, 지금 이만큼의 사랑을 받는 것이 어울리는 사람이 되도록 노력할게요! ^^
이렇게 느끼게 해주고 어른이 될 명분을 만들어 주는 것 또한 여러분이에요 ..
넘 감사 드려요 ㅎㅎ 마치.. 어른이라는 목적지로 가는 기차를 다 같이 함께 탄 기분?! ㅎㅎ
저의 과정을 함께해주셔서 감사하다는 말이에요..ㅎㅎ 정말 가족처럼 제 성장과정을
정말 많은 분들이 지켜봐 주시는 것 같아서 .. 책임감이 생기네요!!

지금쯤이면 손발이 오그라들어 댓글을 쓸 수 조차 없게 되어 버렸겠어요..ㅋㅋ
그래도 우리가 잊지 말아야 할것! 능력자소원 나와서 번역본 만들어줄 거죠?

지금여러분이 타고계신 소시익스프레스는 지구를 순회중이라
다양한 인종들의 손님이 많이 타계십니다. ㅎㅎ
하여 안내방송도 글로벌하게! 해야 하니까요 ..하하하
승객들한테 번역 부탁하는 이상한 기차죠? ㅋㅋ
하지만 ..궁둥이붙이고 앉아계시면 목적지까지 안전하고..........
지구상어디에서도 볼수 없는 퍼포먼스와 !! 눈물 없인 볼 수 없는 감동의 대서사시!!
소녀들의 성장과정 드라마를 볼 수 있으실 것입니다 ... 하하하하하하

다음 역은 3월9일 날 도착하는 태연역이에요 .
내리실문은 없습니다. 'ㅡ’

SONE! Hellohellohello ^ㅡ^

How have you been?! Sooyoung is in Paris... hehe
The original flight schedule was that we would be on the plane on the 9th and arrive in Thailand at night on the 10th..
But plans changed so I ended up staying "on land" for my birthday hehe, I almost spent my birthday in the air hoho
When I was young, I was always excited whenever my birthday was approaching and my wish was to have a birthday party at a fast food restaurant,
But I never knew that I would one day grow up and be congratulated from so many people all over the world.. ㅠ
My heart was only filled with thankfulness while I was being congratulated yesterday and today by all the fans..
Yesterday, the members and I ate good food and had an enjoyable party!^^
I think it was even more joyous because I was able to spend the day with my dear friends while also receiving love from so many people ^ㅡ^

This is something that I feel every year on my birthday, but I feel like I'm receiving more love than I should
So as I get older, I always promise [myself] that I would become a person worthy of the amount of love I receive..
All of you give up your precious time and love for me,
But I wonder if I deserve all of that..

But!! I know those things aren't very important hehe
I can just receive all of your pure and ferverent love and return the same favour, also with a pure heart
There's no time to think about whether I'm entitled or not : )
I will simply just do the best that I can in the place that I am in in order to repay you ; )
I will try hard to become a person that wont disappoint you, a person that is suited to receive all this love that I'm receiving! ^^
The reason that I can feel all this and find a reason to become more adult-like is, again, all of you..
Thank you so much, hehe. I feel like it's as if... we're all on a train together, headed toward a destination point called adulthood! hehe
What I mean to say is, thank you for being with me during this process.. hehe
There are so many people that are watching over me during my growth proccess, as if a family would... so I now have a sense of responsibility!!

By now, your hands and feet are probably curled up so much that you can't even post replies to this message.. keke
But this is something that we must never forget! Competent SONEs will come out and post translations, right?

Since the Soshi Express that all of you are boarded on is now touring the earth,
there are many customers of various races/ethnicities aboard. hehe
So the announcements onboard will also have to be globally[multiculturally] made! hahaha
This train is weird, asking the passengers for translations, isn't it? keke
But... if you just stay with your bums seated, you'll arrive at the destination safely..........
And you'll be able to watch performances like no other in this world!! And see a great, touching epic that will be sure to have you in tears!!
You'll be able to watch this epic that is a drama of the girls' growth processes... Hahahahahaha

The next stop will be on March 9th at Taeyeon Station.
There is no door to exit. 'ㅡ’


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Sunny's Selca and Message on Japanese Fansite




It's Sunny~!!
How's everyone doing?!
I'm doing great everyday~♪
Somehow I feel cheerful
Is it because of Valentine's Day? (laughs)
I'm sending a heart to everyone who always cheers on SNSD <3
Thank you as always.

That's right, today I wanted to show my favorite nails!
The theme is shining pure white snow reflecting in the sun's light.
Isn't it cute?!
It's a little hard to see in this picture :|
Next time I'll show it better!

Well, have a good weekend!

Source: via Japan mobile fansite

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Girls’ Generation Revealed, “The hardest thing about travelling around the world is the jet lag, we need a chartered plane.”

Girls’ Generation revealed, “The hardest thing about travelling around the world is the jet lag, we need a chartered plane.”

On February 9th, Girls’ Generation made an appearance on “Le Grand Journal”, a popular talk show on French broadcasting station, “Canal Plus”. They also appeared on “Le 7H45″, the main news program of French TV channel “M6″. Girls’ Generation appeared again on “Le Grand Journal” on February 10th, in the show’s “Question Box” corner.

Before their French promotions, Girls’ Generation also made various appearances on American talk shows, such as, “Late Show with David Letterman” and “Live! with Kelly”. They have successfully finished their third album promotions in Korea and are continuing on with their second Asia tour.

After their recordings on February 9th, Girls’ Generation met up with Sports Donga at 7PM in the Korean Culture Center near the Eiffel Tower. During the recordings, the members talked first and foremost about the passion of the French fans. Seohyun said, “I was very surprised at them singing along in Korean and cheering us on.” Tiffany then spoke more about the atmosphere of the recording studio, and said, “There’s a phrase that Korean fans chant. It’s ‘Right now, it’s Girls’ Generation, From now on, it’s Girls’ Generation, and Forever, it’s Girls’ Generation’. It was electrifying to hear the French fans chanting this.”

Girls’ Generation picked jet lag as the most difficult aspect in bringing their stages to Japan, America and France. Yuri said, “It’s physically difficult, but most of all, adjusting to the jet lag is hard.” She giggled, “However, there’s also the fun of experiencing new things because each individual country has their own traditional foods.” Taeyeon said, “We are ready to go wherever the fans call us to,” and received cheers from the other members by continuing with, “but, we need a chartered plane.”

Source: Donga
Translated by: minigiglo@soshified
Edited by: LetsGo@soshified, bhost909@soshified

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Sunny Appears On Miryo's Music Video for 'I love You I love You!"

Sunny was recently featured on “사랑해 사랑해” (“I Love You I Love You”), a song on the newly released solo album of Brown Eyed Girls’s Miryo. After Sunny surprised everyone by appearing in the teaser video for the album itself, fans were given another treat as a music video for ”사랑해 사랑해” (“I Love You I Love You”) was posted on official Brown Eyed Girls YouTube page.

In the behind-the-scenes style music video, Sunny and Miryo are seeing working together in a studio and recording their vocals. The music video gives fans a glimpse into the work that Sunny and Miryo did together in order to produce the song. Miryo’s strong rapping was contrasted by Sunny’s pure vocals, and the two appeared to collaborate with one another in a very close and friendly manner.

As a final gift to SONEs, the very end of the music showed Sunny giggling cutely after Miryo proudly claps.

Written by: michaelroni@soshified

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Jay Park On An Interview Regarding Girls' Generation's Appearance on David Letterman Show

In an interview, Jay Park said, "Girls' Generation is really amazing. Not everyone could attend the show (Letterman). It is the wish of every singer plying their trade in US to appear on David Letterman show. It was great to see Girls' Generation on the Letterman Show which is watched by many Americans. I'm envious of them. Proud to see Koreans standing on such a stage "

Credits: fanwonder

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SNSD's Taeyeon, Tiffany and Seohyun Will Not Host Music Core This Week Again!

120211 SNSD's Taeyeon, Tiffany and Seohyun will not host Music Core this week again!

Sorry to say but just like last week, the debut of Music Core's newest MCs will be postponed again because of their schedules.
Girls' Generation went to Paris earlier this week to participate in KBS' "Music Bank in Paris" along with their other schedules like their appearance on French TV's "Le Grand Journal".

After finishing all their activities in Paris, the girls are now headed to Thailand to prepare for their Girls' Generation Tour in Bangkok which will be held on the 12th of February.

I'm sure all our waiting for SNSD's Taeyeon, Tiffany and Seohyun will be worth the wait but for the meantime today's Music Core will be hosted by Teen Top's Niel, Chunji, and L.Joe.

Credits: MBC

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Taeyeon Met Her Devoted Fan, A Handsome Wrestler

Taeyeon met her devoted fan, a handsome wrestler.

Appearing on jTBC’s Girls’ Generation and the Dangerous Boys, Girls’ Generation invited wrestler Seo Du Won to teach boys how to fight. During the shooting, another wrestler, Cha In Ho, who joined the program to help Seo Du Won caught eyes with his good-looking appearance, and then made even bigger waves by claiming himself to be Taeyeon′s huge fan by saying, “Forget about any other description, just call me Taeyeon’s loyal fan.”

Contrary to his well-built body, Cha turned out to be so shy that he couldn′t even look at Taeyeon properly - but the Girls′ Generation member proved to be a pro at fan service by smiling at him and treating him kindly.

Of course, things got a little bit awkward when Sunny showed off her jealousy.

In a skit where each member hit sandbags and vented her bitter feelings about the other members, Sunny exclaimed, “Why do you like only Taeyeon? Girls’ Generation has nine members.”

To this, the wrestler Cha In Ho brought in more laughs by saying, “I like Sun Gyu (Sunny’s real name) too.”

Except...when Sunny asked him, “Don’t you want to be a loyal fan of Sunny?", Cha refused flatly by saying, “I’m sorry,” causing howls of laughter.

The episode of Girls’ Generation and the Dangerous Boys, will air on February 12.

Photo credit: jTBC
Credit: enews

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Friday 10 February 2012

Girls’ Generation talks about their promotional activities in France

“The hardest thing about performing all over the world is having jet lags and that is why a chartered private jet is required.”

On February 9th (Paris local time), Girls’ Generation made an appearance on Canal+’s popular talk show ‘Le Grand Journal’ and M6′s main news ‘Le 7H45′. On February 10th, the girls are expected to make another appearance on the ‘Question Box’ corner of ‘Le Grand Journal’.

After the broadcast recording session, Sports Donga met up with Girls’ Generation at the Korean Culture Center around 7pm in the evening.

Sooyoung said, “It feels great to go on French TV programs right after our appearances on American talk shows. We are happy for the opportunity to spread Girls’ Generation’s music and on the other hand, it has also become our responsibility.”

Seohyun stated, “It was amazing to see how the local fans here cheered for us and sang along in Korean”, and went on to describe the atmosphere of the recording sets. Tiffany added, “When the fans saw us, they shouted our motto ‘Jigeumeun So Nyeo Shi Dae, Apeurodo So Nyeo Shi Dae, Youngwonhi So Nyeo Shi Dae’. It was electrifying to hear that.”

Yuri said, “I think the European fans are not only interested in our music but also the Korean culture. It is really great to know that.”

During the recording of ‘Le Grand Journal’ earlier, Girls’ Generation performed ‘The Boys’ and also talked about their future plans of releasing albums, as well as having promotional activities in Europe.

When asked about the kind of questions being raised during the broadcast, Sooyoung replied, “They were amazed at how all 9 girls carry out activities together as a team and thus, they wanted to know the story behind the birth of Girls’ Generation.”

Taeyeon then said, “We are always prepared to go to places where our fans want us to be. Thus, we need a chartered private jet.”

Girls’ Generation who are spreading their wings worldwide feels that the hardest obstacle they are facing while going places to perform is none other than jet lags. Yuri commented, “Physically, performing in different places is a challenge to us physically but there is nothing harder than experiencing the jet lags. However, it is a fun experience to be able to try out traditional delicacies in different countries.”

Besides that, the girls also talked about the special characteristic of French fans which is different from the Korean fans. On this Sunny said, “French fans dance along during our performances with their extraordinary sense of rhythm.”

Girls’ Generation, who is in France for the 2nd time after ‘SM Town Live World Tour’ in June last year, picked Palace of Versailles as the most beautiful place of attraction and macaroons as the most delicious food.

Jessica revealed, “While we are in Paris, we are happy to be able to taste macaroons, which is the most delicious. Before we head back to Korea, I want to buy and bring it home.”

After performing at KBS’s ‘Kpop Festival Music Bank in Paris’ on February 8th, Girls’ Generation will be flying to Thailand for their ’2012 Girls’ Generation Tour in Bangkok’ concert.


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SNSD and the Dangerous Boys Ep 8 [Eng Sub]

Enjoy the 8th episode of SNSD and the Dangerous Boys below!

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Credits: sonesoshi9@youtube
Written by: MayYin@soshisite9

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Maknae Chosen as Best Female Idol to Shine to White T and Jeans


Our dear maknae has been chosen as the most likely idol to shine in a plain white t-shirt and jeans.  A poll was held from January 31st to February 7 2012 on an online community.

Seohyun garnered 2,206 (23.6%) of the total 9,356, taking her to the top!  She was chosen due to her “golden” body proportions, being tall, slim waist and small face.  Surprisingly (or maybe not) Jessica came in second with 1,883 (20.1%) of the votes.


Going back to maknae, I think she totally deserves this poll win.  The plain white totally shows her innocence and what a good person she is.  Always being our maknae, always doing the right things!  Congrats Seohyun, hwaiting!


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Fans Celebrate Sooyoung’s Birthday with Volunteer Work and a Newspaper Advertisement

  Girls’ Generation’s Sooyoung received a very special birthday gift.

Girls’ Generation’s fanclub CISTUS decided to perform volunteer service to commemorate Sooyoung’s 23rd birthday on February 10th. (Editor’s note: Sooyoung is 22 according to her Western age and is 23 according to her Korean age) Every year, this fanclub has held donation and volunteer service events to celebrate the birthdays of every member of Girls’ Generation.

On February 4th, members of the fanclub visited the “One Love Facility for Young Disabled Kids” in Gwangju, where they volunteered in Sooyoung’s name to clean and look after the kids. They also donated Naver Happy Beans to a children’s organization. (Editor’s note: Happy Beans are a charity item within Naver. People who make lots of blog/cafe posts, comments, and email replies are given Happy Beans. They are worth a few hundred won, and can be donated to various charities and foundations.)

In addition, CISTUS congratulated Sooyoung on her birthday by posting an advertisement in Sports Chosun. The advertisement made use of Sooyoung’s comment in a show, where she said, “I’m very envious of Yuri, who is really good at swimming”, and grabbed the readers’ attention by writing, “Until Sooyoung wins a gold medal in swimming, we love you”.

The entire advertisement reads:
“February 10th is ‘The Day of Sooyoung’s Birth’
It’s Girls’ Generation’s Sooyoung’s 23rd birthday.
The loving heart
The longing heart
The waiting heart
The pounding heart
The laughing heart
The joyful heart
That is the hearts of S♡NEs
With all the loving hearts gathered together,
We wish you a happy birthday
We wish that you are always healthy, and that your happiness and laughter stays with you.

Girls’ Generation fan cafe ‘CISTUS’. Oppa/Samchon Support Group ‘Gateway to Soshi Heaven’
Until Sooyoung wins a gold medal in swimming, we love you…^0^”
(translator’s note: “Sooyoung” means “swimming” in Korean)

Fans on Twitter also celebrated Sooyoung’s birthday, as “Happy Birthday Choi Sooyoung” trended in second place worldwide.

Sources: Sports Chosun,
Translated by: minigiglo@soshified
Edited by: bhost909@soshified
Contributor: taengsoshi@soshified

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Sunny Shows Her Love for Wine on ‘Invincible Youth 2′

Sunny of Girls’ Generation, one of the most influential groups, has gained attention for her love of alcohol that she displayed on “Invincible Youth 2″.

With G8 officially starting farm work, Sunny went to a winery to learn the process of manufacturing “G8 brand grapes” for the grapes they will be cultivating this fall. As soon as they arrived at the winery, Sunny could not hide her excitement by commenting, “I can smell the grapes already,” and they headed towards the [wine] sampling site.

While sampling the different types of wine, Lee Soogeun asked G8, “Do you guys usually drink this stuff?” Jewelry’s Yewon commented, “Sunny usually drinks somaek (soju+beer),” exposing Sunny as a person who likes drinking. To Yewon’s joking manner, Sunny replied, “The end of alcohol is somaek.” She then said, “Hello, I’m ‘Soolkyu’”, making everyone laugh by making a nickname out of her real name “Soonkyu”. (T/L note: sool=alcohol in Korean)

Also, Sunny followed the traditional method of stepping on grapes to create the one and only “Sunny brand domestic wine”. She also showed a lot of knowledge about wine, proving that Sunny likes and enjoys wine.

Source: KBS
Translated by: ch0sshi@soshified
Edited by: MoonSoshi9@soshified, michaelroni@soshified

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Girls’ Generation Performs on ‘Le Grand Journal’

Following their recent U.S. promotions in New York City, Girls’ Generation performed on their first ever French television broadcast on “Le Grand Journal”, the number one talk show in France. They captivated French viewers with a shortened version of “The Boys”.

SONEs were present to show support for the girls, giving audible fan chants throughout the performance. Afterwards, Girls’ Generation had a short interview with the hosts, who expressed their surprise by stating that they have not seen a phenomenon like Girls’ Generation and their fans before. One host stated, “I don’t know which member to choose. They are all great,” and another jokingly commented, “I have a moral contract with my wife. I must leave the set now.” “The Boys” album will be released on February 13th in France.

They were also in Music Bank 2012 in Paris.

As Girls’ Generation continues their promotion of “The Boys”, they will be in Bangkok, Thailand as part of their “Second Asia Concert Tour” on February 12th. They will be performing in front of a sell-out crowd in Impact Arena.

Written by: taengsoshi@soshified
Edited by: MoonSoshi9@soshified

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Girls’ Generation Makes a Surprise Visit to SBS ‘Survival KPOP Star’

Supearls and Girls’ Generation have met. On an upcoming episode of SBS “Survival KPOP Star”, the meeting between Girls’ Generation and Supearls, who rearranged and showed a perfect performance of “The Boys” in a past episode, will be revealed.

Girls’ Generation made a surprise visit to contestants who were chosen to train under SM. The contestants were surprised and expressed their happy hearts by saying, “It feels like my heart is going to stop. I feel more nervous than when I’m auditioning.” In particular, Lee Michelle, Park Jimin, Lee Seungjoo, and Lee Jungmi, the members of Supearls, were chosen in the casting audition finals by Boa and have been receiving special training under SM. Because of this, the meeting between them and Girls’ Generation gained attention.

In reality, Girls’ Generation showed special interest in Supearls before even meeting them. Supearls reunited to sing “The Boys” in front of Girls’ Generation. Upon witnessing their skills, Girls’ Generation members commented, “They sing better than us.” A staff member stated, “With the appearance of Girls’ Generation, the contestants’ fighting spirit towards their goals have become stronger. They will gain an extra week of training during this second time around, unlike the first training period.”

Check out Supearls’ original cover of “The Boys” below.

Source:, mydaily
Translated by: ch0sshi@soshified
Edited by: MoonSoshi9@soshified

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Seohyun and Yoongun of ‘Brown Eyes’ to Release Duet ‘Don’t Say No’

Seohyun will be collaborating with famed R&B/Soul singer Yoongun of the group Brown Eyes to release a duet titled “Don’t Say No”.

Girls’ Generation’s official Facebook page posted a teaser picture saying that Seohyun will perform a duet with the owner of the red scarf. Yoongun had also posted a funny teaser picture on his twitter account showing a picture of a goguma (sweet potato) to represent Seohyun, saying the girl he would be singing with has a sweet voice.

“Don’t Say No” will be an unplugged pop song, composed by Yoongun himself, carrying the sounds from a guitar and piano. The lyrics draw out a love confession to one’s lover. The song will be a warm gift to fans in light of the upcoming spring season.

Seohyun and Yoongun’s duet will be released as a digital single on various music sites such as Olleh, Bugs, Melon, etc. on February 13th at midnight KST.

Source: Girls’ Generation Facebook,, reviewstar via Daum
Written by: MoonSoshi9@soshified
Contributors: ch0sshi@soshified

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Always Compassionate and Never Full: A Portrait of Sooyoung for Her 22nd (23rd) Birthday

  The tenth of February. A day of recognition. No, not a national holdiay, but a significant day, nonetheless. This is the day SONEs gather to celebrate the birth of one of our beloved angels, a day to set aside our busy schedule to wish Sooyoung a wonderful birthday, to take in how truly blessed we are to have her in our lives.
So, who is she to us? Sooyoung, to everyone else you may be just one person born oceans away, but to the SONEs who love you unconditionally and to the girls who are always there by your side, you mean the world.

“You must leave a person alone when she is eating…” - Sooyoung

A devout Christian, a loving sister, and most importantly, a shikshin amongst all shikshins (food god), Sooyoung hurdles any obstacle in her path that keeps her from having a decent meal. Where most of us would eat to live, she lives to eat, or so we all like to jokingly say. After all, going to a Korean barbeque restaurant alone to have two servings of beef and a serving of dwenjjang jjigae (bean paste stew) is a pretty impressive feat. However, no matter how much she eats, her body is as slim as ever, much to the jealousy of her fellow Girls’ Generation members.

Her famous imitations are by no means ever overlooked. Whether she’s imitating the other members, her manager, or Cristina from “Global Talk Show”, Sooyoung loves to put a smile on the faces of everyone around her. A choding in her own right, protecting her own image is the least of her many worries. When SM Entertainment asked her to refrain from doing anymore vocal imitations, what did she do? She gave us one last laugh on “Come to Play” before reluctantly relinquishing a side of her that SONEs love to see.

“It’s not easy for a bunch of elementary school kids to practice six or seven years. To achieve their dreams and become singers, right? Even though there are nine of us, the fact that we love and care for each other is a miracle.” - Sooyoung

If anything is as big as her appetite, it is her caring heart. From making sure the members, the girls she calls her sisters, take their roundworm medication, to finding time to visit the former basketball coach Park Seungil, who’s fighting Lou Gehrig’s disease, SONEs are no strangers to her kindness.

On August 28, 2011, the day that shook the SONE community, Sooyoung was involved in a car accident that fractured her sacral vertebrae, forcing her to take time off from activities. Gifts, get well cards, and encouragement letters were sent to Sooyoung in hopes of cheering her up, letting her know that we were with her through every step of her recovery. But Sooyoung did something that none of us expected, surprising us with a touching video message for SONEs.

  It is in times like these where we realize how lucky we are to be graced with someone so beautiful and precious, a rarity among the world. In this act of kindness and selflessness, we glimpse into a compassionate soul that extends far beyond the gesture of video editing. She is a person who is deeply rooted in proving to everyone that she and her members are more than just idols, wanting us to understand that there is much more behind their looks and talents. What everyone sees as mere faults, Sooyoung sees as gifts. What brings us down only encourages her to push back harder, making sure that nothing discouraging ever finds its way back into her heart.

  There are only a handful of people who truly touch your heart, and you can never stop thinking about them. Some are forgotten, fading away into the stillness of the night. Like a candle shaped by the ever-burning wick, artists are molded by what gives them light, what gives them a new beginning. Eventually, some will be left with what they have become, tainted by a lingering pool of wax. But SONEs will always be there to keep it lit and untouched, never letting go of that fire Sooyoung fought so hard to keep burning.

So from the bottom of every SONE’s hearts, we wish you a very happy birthday, Sooyoung.

Written by: taengsoshi@soshified
Edited by: michaelroni@soshifed, SeraphKY@soshified

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Further Details About Taeyeon’s Upcoming Cameo Appearance on SBS’s ‘Salamander Guru and the Gang’

Girls’ Generation’s Taeyeon will make a surprise appearance on SBS sitcom, “Salamander Guru and the Gang”.

On February 10th, there will be a scene where genius hacker Minhyuk (played by SHINee’s Minho), who is searching for his father, almost kisses the daughter of a wealthy family, played by Taeyeon.

In order to avoid discussing her arranged marriage, Taeyeon escapes her home by going out a window and climbing down a pole. Taeyeon falls from the window and lands on top of Minhyuk, who is busy investigating below. Soon after, Taeyeon falls in love with Minhyuk and tries her best to captivate the cold Minhyuk by talking with a lisp (Editors note: It’s implying that Taeyeon is trying to talk with aegyo), using eye smiles and showing other types of aegyo.

Minho stated, “Taeyeon’s appearance was greatly supportive to me. Despite her tight schedule appearing on the US CBS talk show and performing in Paris, she did not refuse the overnight filming. I am deeply thankful for her supporting me throughout the numerous shoots.” The staff also stated, “Taeyeon’s first acting attempt was good. Her lines and expressions were all perfect. With Taeyeon’s appearance, other male staff members, along with Minho, were able to work more energetically than ever.”

Meanwhile, in this episode, BEAST’s Yong Junhyung and INFINITE’s L will also be making cameo appearances along with Taeyeon.

Source: AsiaToday
Translated by: ch0sshi@soshified
Edited by: LetsGo@soshified, michaelroni@soshified

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Thursday 9 February 2012

Girls’ Generation is excited to perform in front of European fans!

“We can’t wait to perform ‘The Boys’ and ‘Mr.Taxi’ for the first time in Paris,” revealed an excited Tiffany who couldn’t wait to deliver the performances of the new hit songs in front of the French fans for the very first time.

Tiffany met up with Sports Donga ahead of the KBS ‘Kpop Festival Music Bank in Paris’, which was held in Palais Omnisports Paris Bercy Stadium at 8pm on February 8th (Paris local time).

Tiffany said, “Since this is the first time that we will be performing ‘The Boys’ and ‘Mr.Taxi’, as well as other new songs in front of our fans in Europe, we are really thrilled and excited. As we have been making preparations for quite a long period, we hope the fans would enjoy our performances.”

Girls’ Generation’s participation in SM Entertainment’s first joint-concert in Europe ‘SM Town Live World Tour in Paris’ along with TVXQ, SHINee, etc in June last year, made huge headlines and garnered a lot of attention.

Tiffany added, “As Girls’ Generation’s album will be released on February 13th in France and followed by promotional activities after that, these performances are very important to us. This is our second time performing here, so we are determined to present better performances and we also wish to get even closer with our European fans.”

Besides KBS ‘Music Bank in Paris’, the girls are also scheduled to appear on French popular talk show, Canal+’s ‘Le Grand Journal’ on February 9th, as well as France2′s main news ‘Le Journal De 20H’.

In addition to these, Tiffany also expressed her excitement and joy as Sooyoung will be celebrating her birthday in France on February 10th.

All the representatives of the 8 groups who will be performing at the ‘KBS ‘Music Bank in Paris’ were present at the press conference which was held earlier. The representatives were – Tiffany (Girls’ Generation), JongHyun (SHINee), JunHo (2pm), KiKwang (Beast), JiHyun (4minute), Soyeon (T-ara), Kevin (UKiss) and Hyorin (Sistar).

The press conference was also attended by journalists and reporters from France and overseas media group such as Canal, France2, France24, Japan Life Style, Le Monde Magazine, M6, Paris Match, Radio France, RTL, TF1, TV5 Monde, etc.

The KBS ‘Kpop Festival Music Bank in Paris’ will be aired in 2 parts, each 80 mins (total 160 minutes) on February 18th, starting 11.05pm KST.


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Girls’ Generation’s 1st Japanese album and repackaged version to be available in Korea on February 9th

Girls’ Generation’s Japanese album and its repackaged will be available on the Korean market starting February 9th.

SM Entertainment stated, “1st Japanese studio album ‘Girls’ Generation’ and the repackaged album ‘Girls’ Generation: The Boys’ will be available in Korea on February 9th, where each of the album will be available in 2 editions (CD only and CD with DVD).”

‘Girls’ Generation’ consists of 12 songs, which includes hits such as the Japanese versions of ‘Gee’, ‘Genie’, ‘Run Devil Run’, as well as other new songs such as ‘You-aholic’, ‘Let It Rain’, etc. In addition, the music videos for ‘Mr.Taxi’, ‘Gee’ and ‘Genie’ will be included in the DVD.

The repackaged album has 15 tracks in total where it consists of the Japanese version of ‘The Boys’ as well as new song ‘Time Machine’ and the remix versions of ‘Mr. Taxi’, ‘Bad Girl’ and ‘The Great Escape’.

Released in June last year, ‘Girls’ Generation’ went into the history book for being an album by a foreign artist which recorded the high sales in the first week of release on Oricon in Japan. Girls’ Generation is also the first Korean girl group to have taken the no.1 spot on Oricon Weekly Album Chart. Within just a month, the album which recorded sales of more than 500,000 copies and was certified ‘Double Platinum’ by RIAJ. Along with the repackaged album, 1 million copies of the album were shipped out as of December 2011. The girls’ 1st Japanese studio album broke another record when it was placed within the top 10 of Oricon Weekly Album Chart for 17 weeks.


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An upcoming duet of the goguma and red neckwarmer

A hint left by singer Yoon Gun suggesting a duet with Girls’ Generation’s Seohyun has garnered a lot of attention recently.

On February 9th, through his personal Twitter account, Yoon Gun hinted, “It’s packed with the clear and elegant voice of a girl” and enclosed a photo of sweet potatoes, which is Seohyun’s favorite.

On their official Facebook page, SM Entertainment also stated, “This is Girls’ Generation’s maknae Seohyun’s pleasant collaboration. So full of anticipation, aren’t we? With the owner of that red neckwarmer near the window frame…”.

Netizens who saw this commented, “They are very well-paired for duet”, “When can we listen to the duet?”, “I knew it’s a duet of these two singers by looking at the sweet potatoes and the red neckwarmer”, “I can’t wait to listen to it” and “Please perform at least once on a music program”.

Prior to this, Yoon Gun had released the OST for SBS Monday-Tuesday drama ‘Salaryman Cho HanJi’ entitled ‘The Little Match Girl’.


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Sohn MiNa gave Girls’ Generation a surprise visit in Paris

Sohn MiNa who started her career as an announcer, met up and posed with Girls’ Generation members in Paris and her beauty has garnered attention among netizens.

On February 9th, through her personal Twitter account, Sohn MiNa tweeted with a photo attached, “Jja jan~ My certification shot with Girls’ Generation! At this moment, even my mind is all about Girls’ Generation~ Since an unnie like me is thrilled with excitement, how about oppas and samchons? Even with killer schedules, lovely smiles can be seen on the faces of these girls. I hope they would be even more matured, great and subsequently rise to the top as world-class stars”.

In the picture, even around Girls’ Generation members, Sohn MiNa has the beauty that she can be proud of. Moreover, with her black outfit, Sohn MiNa looked as though she was one of the Girls’ Generation members as they were also wearing black costumes for their performances at KBS ‘Kpop Festival Music Bank in Paris’.

Netizens who saw the photo gave various reactions like “Son MiNa really went to visit them~”, “They are so pretty! Girls’ Generation~” and “Girls’ Generation’s 10th member?”.


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Girls’ Generation touched by dangerous boys’ performance in ‘Street Jam’

On February 5th, Girls’ Generation watched the ‘Street Jam Dance Competition’ in Seoul AxHall because the boys that they mentored in ‘SNSD and the Dangerous Boys’ were participating in the competition. As a result, Seohyun and Sooyoung shed tears because of the boys’ performance.

On this day, except Jessica and YoonA who were busy with personal schedules, the other seven Girls’ Generation members attended the event and watched the boys perform.

YoonHyunJun PD of ‘SNSD and the Dangerous Boys’ stated, “Girls’ Generation showed explosive reactions to the boys’ performance. They were satisfied with the boys’ hardwork.”

He added, “Seohyun and Sooyoung showed tears. Seohyun cried a lot while Sooyoung tried her best not to cry.”

The girls have been in the venue three to four hours before the competition took place to cheer for the boys. YoonHyunJun PD said, “Girls’ Generation cheered for the boys since before the competition until the end. They even attended the afterparty.”

Since the first recording of the show, the girls received a mission to help the boys participate in the ‘Street Jam Dance Competition’. Even though the boys knew no basics in dancing, the boys practiced six hours per day and showed daily improvements.

Even though one of the boys Hwang Yonghyun could not stand the training and gave up half way through, the remaining four worked hard until the end.

The problematic students came together to practice and showed their result in their last performance. The PD stated, “The boys were really nervous. Because there were many good teams, they must have felt various emotions. They were confident at first, but soon became disheartened. Then, they determined to do their best.”

Credit: Osen
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Wednesday 8 February 2012

Girls' Generation Incheon Airport to Paris Photos on 7th Feb + Download

You may view from Facebook.

Download link ( 123 Photos) :

New released Yulsic's (Yuri&Jessica) J.ESTINA and Yoona's Eider Promotion Photos! SPAZZ!

Yuri, our sexy leader in Girls' Generation, never fails to bring a sexy feel although she's smiling real sweet! Hmm... I like her curls a lot and her smile and everything!

At the same time, J.ESTINA released Jessica's promotion photo as well. The same concept photo, sitting on a elegant chair like a boss with a bag but both of them brought different feels. Jessica, the forever ice princess, making me feels cold when looking at her photo! 

Yuri and Jessica curls her hair and do you notice that both of them are having brown hair???

YulSic love SONEs! 

At the same time, Eider released the promotion photos of Yoona and Lee Minho!

I love this couple. They are so so pretty!!!!

The face of Girls' Generation, forever that pretty. Gorgeous even with that simple smile and simple wear.

Well it's all for SONEs to SPAZZ!!!!!

Credits: J.ESTINA, Eider
Written by: Mabel@SoshiSite9

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Girls’ Generation: “Debuting in America still feels like a dream”

Girls’ Generation, who had recently made a successful advancement into the American music market, expressed their feelings through a recent interview.

On February 6th, Girls’ Generation members Taeyeon, Sooyoung, Hyoyeon and Seohyun appeared on JTBC’s ‘News 10’ segment ‘Dispatch Interview’.

Sooyoung revealed, “The members all sat together to watch our first appearance on American TV. Even while watching ourselves on TV, we still couldn’t believe what we were seeing, what we had done. And even now we still don’t.”

Seohyun continued, “Even though we were amazed at what we were seeing, we could still point out our mistakes during that performance. So we said to ourselves that we had to make sure to do better next time.”

On January 31st and February 1st, Girls’ Generation became the first Korean artist to appear on the American talk shows CBS’s ‘Late Show with David Letterman’ and ABC’s ‘Live! with Kelly’.

After appearing on these popular talk shows, media around the world began to focus on these girls. America’s famous media news provider, Wall Street Journal, even published an article about the girls’ success and about their future potential.

As soon as the girls returned to Korea, they held a short interview with JTBC’s reporters talking about their visit to America. Taeyeon confessed, “Surprisingly a lot of people recognized us while we were there. Not long ago while we were in Paris, quite a few people had recognized us when we were just looking around the Eiffel Tower. That was pretty amazing too.”

She continued, “It didn’t make us believe that it was because we were popular, but it just made us think that a lot of people must have watched our performance on the show.”

Sooyoung also expressed their hope to perform on bigger stages. “We hope that one day we will be able to perform at music award shows in America, such as the AMA or the EMMYs.”

Lastly, they talked about their wish of having their own private plane. “Not long ago some photos of us resting in the plane were released on a tabloid. If we had our own private plane, then we could rest in peace without having to worry about anything.” They also mentioned, “Also, in order to do a world tour, it would be nice to have our own private plane for that too.”

Check out the full interview!

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Girls’ Generation Continues Promotions for ‘The Boys’ in France

After successful American debut performances on the “Late Show with David Letterman” and “Live! with Kelly“, Girls’ Generation will continue with their promotions of “The Boys” in France. They will be appearing on popular French talk shows “Le Journal De 20H” for an interview and “Le Grande Journal” for a performance of “The Boys”. “Le Journal De 20H” will air on February 9th at 8pm CET and “Le Grande Journal” on February 10th at 7pm CET, both prerecorded a day before their respective broadcast dates. “Le Grande Journal” is the number one talk show in France, where a host of popular artists, such as Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Beyonce, Usher, Rihanna and Black Eyed Peas, have performed.

Girls’ Generation will also be on Music Bank 2012 in Paris on February 8th.

“The Boys” album will be released in France on February 13th under France’s largest music label company Polydor, a subsidiary of Universal Music Group, which is also a parent for Interscope Records, Girls’ Generation’s American record label. Girls’ Generation is taking another step towards “Global Generation” with their French promotions, which is just shortly after their album release and performances in the United States.

Source: Asiatoday
Written by: taengsoshi@soshified
Edited by: MoonSoshi9@soshified, bhost909@soshified

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Jessica Dons a Wedding Dress on ‘Wild Romance’

Girls’ Generation’s Jessica is currently making her drama debut in KBS’s “Wild Romance”, in which she made her first appearance on January 25th. In the drama, Jessica plays the role of Kang Jonghee while actor Lee Dongwook plays the role of Park Moo Yeol. Jessica’s acting is also receiving much praise from fans, as she has portrayed a darker side to her character in the drama.

After performing a kissing scene with Lee Dongwook’s character, Jessica will continue to break fans’ hearts by wearing a wedding dress for an upcoming episode. Jessica commented, “Because it is the first time that I’m wearing a wedding dress onscreen, my heart fluttered and I was really happy.”

Source: StarNews
Written by: LetsGo@soshified
Edited by: SeraphKY@soshified, bhost909@soshified
Contributors: ch0sshi@soshified

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