Saturday 11 February 2012

Sooyoung's Thank You Message (Official Website)

[Sooyoung left a message on the Girls' Generation official website board for her birthday!! ^^
The original can be found here, on the Girls' Generation official website.]

소원! 안녕안뇽안녕하세요^ㅡ^

잘 지냈어요?! 수영이는 파리에 있어요...ㅎㅎ
원래는 비행기스케줄이 9일날 비행기타서 10일 밤에 태국에 도착하는 거였는데..
바껴서 생일날 "육지"에 있게 되었어요 ㅎㅎ생일이 공중분해 될 뻔 했지 뭐에요 호호
어렸을 때는 생일만 다가오면 설레고 패스트푸드점에서 생일파티 한번 해보는 게
소원이었는데, 제가 커서 이렇게 전 세계 사람들로부터 축하를 받을지는 정말 몰랐어요..ㅠ
어제오늘 팬 여러분들의 축하를 받으면서 정말 너무 감사한 마음뿐이었네요 ..
어제 저는 멤버들이랑 함께 맛난 밥도 먹구 즐겁게 파티 했어요!^^
많은 사람들의 축하와 동시에 소중한 친구들과 함께 할 수 있어서
더 즐거웠던 것 같아요 ^ㅡ^

매년 생일날 느끼는 거지만 제가 너무 과분한 사랑을 받고 있는 것 같아서
나이가 들수록 받는 사랑의 양에 어울리는 사람이 되자고 다짐 합니다 ..
여러분이 여러분의 소중한 시간과 사랑을 저에게 주시는데
제가 그걸 받을만한 자격이 있을까 생각해요 ..

하지만!! 그런 건 별로 중요하지 않다는 걸 알았어요 ㅎㅎ
여러분의 순수하고 열정적인 사랑을 저도 순수하게 받고 돌려주면 되지
자격 같은걸 생각할 시간이 없다는 것을요 : ) 다만 제자리에서 제 위치에서
할 수 있는 만큼 최선을 다해 보답해드릴게요 ; )
실망시키지 않는, 지금 이만큼의 사랑을 받는 것이 어울리는 사람이 되도록 노력할게요! ^^
이렇게 느끼게 해주고 어른이 될 명분을 만들어 주는 것 또한 여러분이에요 ..
넘 감사 드려요 ㅎㅎ 마치.. 어른이라는 목적지로 가는 기차를 다 같이 함께 탄 기분?! ㅎㅎ
저의 과정을 함께해주셔서 감사하다는 말이에요..ㅎㅎ 정말 가족처럼 제 성장과정을
정말 많은 분들이 지켜봐 주시는 것 같아서 .. 책임감이 생기네요!!

지금쯤이면 손발이 오그라들어 댓글을 쓸 수 조차 없게 되어 버렸겠어요..ㅋㅋ
그래도 우리가 잊지 말아야 할것! 능력자소원 나와서 번역본 만들어줄 거죠?

지금여러분이 타고계신 소시익스프레스는 지구를 순회중이라
다양한 인종들의 손님이 많이 타계십니다. ㅎㅎ
하여 안내방송도 글로벌하게! 해야 하니까요 ..하하하
승객들한테 번역 부탁하는 이상한 기차죠? ㅋㅋ
하지만 ..궁둥이붙이고 앉아계시면 목적지까지 안전하고..........
지구상어디에서도 볼수 없는 퍼포먼스와 !! 눈물 없인 볼 수 없는 감동의 대서사시!!
소녀들의 성장과정 드라마를 볼 수 있으실 것입니다 ... 하하하하하하

다음 역은 3월9일 날 도착하는 태연역이에요 .
내리실문은 없습니다. 'ㅡ’

SONE! Hellohellohello ^ㅡ^

How have you been?! Sooyoung is in Paris... hehe
The original flight schedule was that we would be on the plane on the 9th and arrive in Thailand at night on the 10th..
But plans changed so I ended up staying "on land" for my birthday hehe, I almost spent my birthday in the air hoho
When I was young, I was always excited whenever my birthday was approaching and my wish was to have a birthday party at a fast food restaurant,
But I never knew that I would one day grow up and be congratulated from so many people all over the world.. ㅠ
My heart was only filled with thankfulness while I was being congratulated yesterday and today by all the fans..
Yesterday, the members and I ate good food and had an enjoyable party!^^
I think it was even more joyous because I was able to spend the day with my dear friends while also receiving love from so many people ^ㅡ^

This is something that I feel every year on my birthday, but I feel like I'm receiving more love than I should
So as I get older, I always promise [myself] that I would become a person worthy of the amount of love I receive..
All of you give up your precious time and love for me,
But I wonder if I deserve all of that..

But!! I know those things aren't very important hehe
I can just receive all of your pure and ferverent love and return the same favour, also with a pure heart
There's no time to think about whether I'm entitled or not : )
I will simply just do the best that I can in the place that I am in in order to repay you ; )
I will try hard to become a person that wont disappoint you, a person that is suited to receive all this love that I'm receiving! ^^
The reason that I can feel all this and find a reason to become more adult-like is, again, all of you..
Thank you so much, hehe. I feel like it's as if... we're all on a train together, headed toward a destination point called adulthood! hehe
What I mean to say is, thank you for being with me during this process.. hehe
There are so many people that are watching over me during my growth proccess, as if a family would... so I now have a sense of responsibility!!

By now, your hands and feet are probably curled up so much that you can't even post replies to this message.. keke
But this is something that we must never forget! Competent SONEs will come out and post translations, right?

Since the Soshi Express that all of you are boarded on is now touring the earth,
there are many customers of various races/ethnicities aboard. hehe
So the announcements onboard will also have to be globally[multiculturally] made! hahaha
This train is weird, asking the passengers for translations, isn't it? keke
But... if you just stay with your bums seated, you'll arrive at the destination safely..........
And you'll be able to watch performances like no other in this world!! And see a great, touching epic that will be sure to have you in tears!!
You'll be able to watch this epic that is a drama of the girls' growth processes... Hahahahahaha

The next stop will be on March 9th at Taeyeon Station.
There is no door to exit. 'ㅡ’


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