Friday, 27 January 2012

Wild Romance: Jessica is Showing Off Her Different Side

SNSD’s Jessica, who recently made her debut as an actress through Wild Romance showed many different sides to her.

On the 8th episode of KBS2’s Wild Romance, which aired on January 26, Jong Hee (Jessica) gives a slap to Yun Yi, who drove Moo Yul to be disqualified from being a baseball player.

The scuffle originates from Yun Yi’s hatred towards Jong Hee, saying, “She is a harlot,” which infuriates Moo Yul.

While visiting Yun Yi, Jong Hee asks, “Do I know you?” Feeling confused, Yun Yi is speechless when Jong Hee slaps his cheek, saying “You don’t know me. Why did you say that?”

Getting advice from Moo Yul that she should not be around Yun Yi, Jong Hee bites her fingers, which made viewers shocked. Additionally, she says she dumped her ex-boyfriend because she was too lazy to continue the relationship. Jessica is surely showing off her different sides and generating expectations for next week’s episode.

Written by: Armi Marianne Carpio

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