Sunday 17 June 2012

Japan Fansite Q&A Part 1


Q: Yuri unnie who doesn't seem to be down a lot. Do you have a secret to always being bright?

A: Always hold on to your dream and do your best. Find out the thing you like to do and want to do and make an effort.

Q: After takoyaki, what's your favorite Japanese food?

A: I can't think of one now (T_T) Everyone, if you have a recommendation please let me know~

Q: I wanted to go to Korea for a trip! Please give me some suggestions of places to visit Yuri unnie.

A: A place called Daehangno. A theatre where you can look forward to plays and several public performances. It's a famous place so definitely go and visit it~.


Q: Sooyoung I like the way your hair floats and moves. Do you do anything special to it?

A: I'm sorry, but I don't really do anything special...^^ I just use treatment after shampooing? On the other hand, if you know a good way please tell me~

Q: When do you feel happy?

A: When I'm relaxing on the sofa wearing PJs with my three dogs (laughs)

Q: Suri's picture is cute! Do you have any other pets besides dogs? What pets do you want to have?

A: I have three dogs! Mori, Suri, and Cherry. I also want to have...a cat? (laughs) I think they have a different charm than dogs ^^


Q: When you go abroad for work, what do you always bring with you?

A: An electronic dictionary, its a must have for going abroad. If you have it you can learn and speak even just a little bit of the country's language.

Q: If you could visit any place in the world, where would it be?

A: I want to go to the center of ancient civilizations, Egypt, and see the pyramids and Sphinx in person. I haven't been to Egypt once yet.

Q: Health leader Seohyun, what points do you keep in mind for your health? Please tell us♪

A: I drink vitamins and nutrients, but I also do steady exercise and make a habit of eating less salt.

Source: Japan mobile fansite;

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