Our 9 favourite ladies have done it again, conquering yet another foreign music chart listing. Yes, it was recently revealed that Girls’ Generation has managed to stay Number 1 on Taiwan’s G-Music Chart for 4 consecutive weeks in a row.
As always, the 9 considerate ladies filmed a special video to personally thank their Taiwanese fans (SONEs) for helping to place them in this enviable position. In the video, they promised to work even harder in their future endeavours, so as not to disappoint their fans’ faith in them.
However, being the “chodings” and pranksters that they are, they couldn’t help but put in some funny remarks to lighten the video presentation.
What remarks, you say ? Well, how about asking the Taiwanese SONEs whether the 9 ladies will be served some popcorn the next time they perform at a K-Pop concert there ? Yuri joked that she wanted some nachos, while the rest quipped that they wanted garlic, caramel and cheese-flavoured popcorn. Our beloved “kid leader” even joined in the fun by requesting a combo snack order for the 9 ladies to enjoy
Jokes aside, I would not be too surprised if some enterprising Taiwanese SONEs actually took note of this request and presented the Girls with what they jokingly asked for the next time they grace the fair shores of Taiwan again for a performance
SNSD Jjang !
by: Kenneth@snsdkorean
sources: bhost909@soshified.com, CapsuleHD6@youtube.com
credits: snsdkorean.com
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