A、 長芋+牛乳300ml+りんご2/1個+蜂蜜3スプーンを入れてミキサーにかけて、毎朝食事の前に飲んだら食欲も出てきて、体にも良いです^^
Q: Please tell us Yuri's beauty secret☆ ma juice recipe.
A: Put one chinese yam (ma) + 300ml milk + one half of an apple + 3 spoons of honey in a mixer and mix. If you drink it every morning before breakfast it helps with your appetite and it's good for your body.^^
Q、 冬の必需品はなんですか?
Q: What is a necessary item in winter?
A: An indispensable item is without a doubt a fur scarf in which you look cute even though it's wrapped around you. Otherwise ondul (underfloor heating)...! It's always warm during the night...
Q、 落ち込んだ時に聴くと元気が出る曲は何ですか?
A、 落ち込んだ時に聞く曲は特にないです。あんまり落ち込みません。^^
Q: What song makes you happy or do you listen to when you are down?
A: I don't particularly have a song I listen to when I'm down. I don't really feel down often.
A、 すぐに伸びをして大きく一回笑って、お風呂に入ってご飯を食べます、へへ。
Q: When you wake up in the morning what is the first thing you'll do?
A: I stretch right away, laugh really hard once, take a bath and eat breakfast. hehe
Q、 9人で叶えたい夢は?
Q: What is the wish you want to fulfill with all nine girls?
A: It would be good if we could continue being as members and as snsd for 10, 20 or more years.
Q: During live performances I see a lot of scenes where you frequently hold hands with a member, do you naturally reach for their hands?
A: During a performance we have a lot of ways to have communication among each other. Among those the best communication is making eye contact and holding hands. When a members comes to stand next to me I naturally hold their hand.
Q: What is Seohyun's dream?
A: That a lot of people can feel happy because of our music and can find their passion. You can become friends with a lot of people through music I think.
Q: I love maknae. If you weren't scouted what job would you be doing in the future?
A: Because I learned piano since I was little and really liked it, I wanted to become a pianist maybe. I also play piano now from time to time.
Q: The Seohyun that studies is cool! How did you start to like studying?
A: I dont think I’m a person who can study on my own, but I’m somebody that enjoys doing it. Because you don’t do it for the sake of someone else, but you do it for yourself, you feel fulfillment. I think it’s good to do it while enjoying yourself.
Q: What were hard words among snsd’s Japanese songs?
A: The part ‘tsujitsuma awasu you ni’ in Genie that I sing together with Hyoyeon unnie!
I always make sure that my pronunciation isn't weird during performances! ^^
Q: When you come to Japan what do you absolutely have to eat?
A: Yakisoba cup ramen.
Q: What do you do for your cute charm to come to mind?
A: I don't know...because I'm not particularly conscious of it. T_T
Q: How does it feel getting a short haircut?
A: It feels refreshing. I think I feel more confident now. And most of all the preparing time before going out became shorter. ^^
Q:I always feel better seeing your angel like smile. What are some things or events that will make you feel better or happy?
A:On a day off, after taking a warm bath, I drink some cool juice, and read a manga while eating fruits.
Q: Do you have an action whereas if you do it, anyone can look cute?
A: Imagine a very very delicious dessert. If you do that naturally your smile will become very happy.
Every week 3 members' Q&A will be revealed. So stay tuned. 
Translation by Kkabbekky@soshified.com and arghninja@soshified.com
Source: Girls' Generation Japanese mobile site
A、 長芋+牛乳300ml+りんご2/1個+蜂蜜3スプーンを入れてミキサーにかけて、毎朝食事の前に飲んだら食欲も出てきて、体にも良いです^^
Q: Please tell us Yuri's beauty secret☆ ma juice recipe.
A: Put one chinese yam (ma) + 300ml milk + one half of an apple + 3 spoons of honey in a mixer and mix. If you drink it every morning before breakfast it helps with your appetite and it's good for your body.^^
Q、 冬の必需品はなんですか?
Q: What is a necessary item in winter?
A: An indispensable item is without a doubt a fur scarf in which you look cute even though it's wrapped around you. Otherwise ondul (underfloor heating)...! It's always warm during the night...
Q、 落ち込んだ時に聴くと元気が出る曲は何ですか?
A、 落ち込んだ時に聞く曲は特にないです。あんまり落ち込みません。^^
Q: What song makes you happy or do you listen to when you are down?
A: I don't particularly have a song I listen to when I'm down. I don't really feel down often.
A、 すぐに伸びをして大きく一回笑って、お風呂に入ってご飯を食べます、へへ。
Q: When you wake up in the morning what is the first thing you'll do?
A: I stretch right away, laugh really hard once, take a bath and eat breakfast. hehe
Q、 9人で叶えたい夢は?
Q: What is the wish you want to fulfill with all nine girls?
A: It would be good if we could continue being as members and as snsd for 10, 20 or more years.
Q: During live performances I see a lot of scenes where you frequently hold hands with a member, do you naturally reach for their hands?
A: During a performance we have a lot of ways to have communication among each other. Among those the best communication is making eye contact and holding hands. When a members comes to stand next to me I naturally hold their hand.
Q: What is Seohyun's dream?
A: That a lot of people can feel happy because of our music and can find their passion. You can become friends with a lot of people through music I think.
Q: I love maknae. If you weren't scouted what job would you be doing in the future?
A: Because I learned piano since I was little and really liked it, I wanted to become a pianist maybe. I also play piano now from time to time.
Q: The Seohyun that studies is cool! How did you start to like studying?
A: I dont think I’m a person who can study on my own, but I’m somebody that enjoys doing it. Because you don’t do it for the sake of someone else, but you do it for yourself, you feel fulfillment. I think it’s good to do it while enjoying yourself.
Q: What were hard words among snsd’s Japanese songs?
A: The part ‘tsujitsuma awasu you ni’ in Genie that I sing together with Hyoyeon unnie!
I always make sure that my pronunciation isn't weird during performances! ^^
Q: When you come to Japan what do you absolutely have to eat?
A: Yakisoba cup ramen.
Q: What do you do for your cute charm to come to mind?
A: I don't know...because I'm not particularly conscious of it. T_T
Q: How does it feel getting a short haircut?
A: It feels refreshing. I think I feel more confident now. And most of all the preparing time before going out became shorter. ^^
Q:I always feel better seeing your angel like smile. What are some things or events that will make you feel better or happy?
A:On a day off, after taking a warm bath, I drink some cool juice, and read a manga while eating fruits.
Q: Do you have an action whereas if you do it, anyone can look cute?
A: Imagine a very very delicious dessert. If you do that naturally your smile will become very happy.
Translation by Kkabbekky@soshified.com and arghninja@soshified.com
Source: Girls' Generation Japanese mobile site
Edited by: Mabel@soshisite9
Credit: soshified.com
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